
Oscars 2014 Worst to Best Dressed

Quote of the Day: “So soon as a fashion is Universal, it is out of date.”  
                                                                                            -Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Song of the Day: Calvin Harris - Summer

Here's to my fifth favorite day of the year-right after Toonie Tuesday at KFC and before National Skip Day- Le Oscars.

Whoopi Goldberg 

I really don't know what to say to this. It's offensive really. Wrapping your daughter's basement curtains on top of your button down shirt is not appropriate no matter how late you are to this event. It's the Oscar's my friend. Julia Roberts tried it last time, it didn't really work please don't try it again. And that long pearl necklace-that resembles one of a kitchen tassel-needs to be burned immediately. No wonder we only see your upper half on The View. 

Word of Advice : fire your stylist...NOW