
Catching Fire

               L A T E S T  B U Z Z 

I don't know about you but, I'm so psyched to watch Catching Fire this weekend. If you don't know what that is, you've been living under a rock for far too long (or you can just check it out in the trailer I posted below) . It's only one of the best books I've ever read. Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating but it's a pretty decent book. In the first movie, the book was a thousand times better than the movie but, everyone already knows that. Apparently Catching Fire is a knock out of the park, but I'll be the judge of that because most of the people that watch the film haven't even attempted to read the book and that is a major no-no. But enough about that, the real showstopper is the soundtrack. I've already downloaded the whole thing and I fell in love with it. The darkness, the edginess all tied into one simplistic bow. Pure Perfection, or shall I say Pure Heroine. If you get a chance listen to it you'll love it.

So if you don't hear from me next weekend it's probably because I'm at the movies and you should be too, and for those going Black Friday shopping next weekend.....
May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor,


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